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Dudley Pope (1925–1997)

Author of Ramage

Includes the names: Dudley Pope

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  1. Douglas Reeman

    How valid? —
  2. John Keegan

    How valid? —
  3. Richard Woodman

    How valid? —
  4. Alistair MacLean

    How valid? —
  5. Dewey Lambdin

    How valid? —
  6. Julian Stockwin

    How valid? — All: (1 member)
  7. C. S. Forester

    How valid? — All: (1 member)
  8. Samuel Eliot Morison

    How valid? —
  9. Dean King

    How valid? —
  10. C. Northcote Parkinson

    How valid? —
  11. Winston S. Churchill

    How valid? —
  12. David Donachie

    How valid? —
  13. S. W. Roskill

    How valid? —
  14. M. J. Whitley

    How valid? —
  15. C. W. Oman

    How valid? —
  16. Frederick Marryat

    How valid? —
  17. Robert K. Massie

    Author of
    How valid? —
  18. Robert Gardiner

    How valid? —
  19. Peter Charles Smith

    How valid? —
  20. Cornelius Ryan

    How valid? —
  21. Gerhard Koop

    How valid? —
  22. Peter Ackroyd

    How valid? —
  23. Norman Friedman

    How valid? —
  24. John Winton

    How valid? —
  25. Robert Harris

    How valid? —
  26. Geoffrey Bennett

    How valid? —
  27. Graham Greene

    How valid? —
  28. Antony Preston

    How valid? —
  29. D. K. Brown

    How valid? —
  30. Brian Lavery

    How valid? — All: (1 member)
  31. Raymond Chandler

    How valid? —
  32. Tom Pocock

    How valid? —
  33. Michael Grant

    How valid? —
  34. Terence Robertson

    How valid? —
  35. Patrick O'Brian

    How valid? — All: (1 member)
  36. Martin Middlebrook

    How valid? —
  37. William Stuart Long

    How valid? —
  38. Bill Bryson

    How valid? —
  39. David G. Chandler

    How valid? —
  40. Ludovic Kennedy

    How valid? —
  41. David Weber

    How valid? —
  42. Jack P. Mallmann Showell

    How valid? —
  43. Lawrence Paterson

    How valid? —
  44. Martin Gilbert

    How valid? —
  45. W. G. Winslow

    How valid? —
  46. Andrew Roberts

    How valid? —
  47. John Jordan

    How valid? —
  48. Jr. William H. Garzke

    How valid? —
  49. William C. Davis

    How valid? —
  50. Paul J. Kemp

    How valid? —
  51. David Drake

    How valid? —
  52. Jonathan Lunn

    How valid? —
  53. Robert Hughes

    How valid? —
  54. Arthur Marder

    How valid? —
  55. Charles Dickens

    How valid? —
  56. Theodore Roscoe

    How valid? —
  57. Richard Adams

    How valid? —
  58. Bernard Edwards

    How valid? —
  59. N. A. M. Rodger

    How valid? — All: (1 member)
  60. Benjamin Franklin

    How valid? —
  61. Dan Parkinson

    How valid? —
  62. Bob Woodward

    How valid? —
  63. Michael Connelly

    How valid? —
  64. John Willard Toland

    How valid? —
  65. Oliver Warner

    How valid? —
  66. Jack Higgins

    How valid? —
  67. Elizabeth Longford

    How valid? —
  68. Ian Fleming

    How valid? —
  69. Erskine Childers

    How valid? —
  70. Robert Graves

    How valid? —
  71. Tom Clancy

    How valid? —
  72. John Buchan

    How valid? —
  73. Walter Lord

    How valid? —
  74. Ellis Peters

    How valid? —
  75. Richard Holmes

    How valid? —
  76. Mark Urban

    How valid? —
  77. Correlli Barnett

    How valid? —
  78. John Wingate

    How valid? —
  79. Alexander McKee

    How valid? —
  80. Dan van der Vat

    How valid? —
  81. Clay Blair

    How valid? —
  82. Alexander Kent

    Author of
    How valid? — All: (2 members)
  83. Sean Russell

    Author of
    How valid? — All: (1 member)

Member ratings

Average: (3.71)
1 1
1.5 1
2 21
2.5 9
3 134
3.5 35
4 203
4.5 10
5 69

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